If You Have Reached Here Without Sharing, Well Done
Welcome to a social experiment on critical thinking
If you have in fact reached this page without sharing the post, well done, you are awarded the Geoffrey Cooling Critical Thinking Badge of honour. If you have in fact reached this page after sharing the post, I am sorry, you are an idiot. If you have shared the article and never reached this page, you are a special type of idiot. So do me a favour, go back to Linkedin or Facebook and like the post, no more. it will raise awareness of the post without actively sharing it.
Getting The Story
We at Hearing Aid Know had a recent incident with bad reporting, we quoted a report in the Times of India (a reputable news paper) in relation to the entry of a hearing aid manufacturer to the OTC market. In our defence, we made it clear that we could not find any corroboration of the story. We updated the post with the new evidence that we had found and re-shared the article.
A Strange thing
Somebody congratulated us on our efforts to get to the bottom of it, they also stated that they would be happier if other online influencers had done the same rather than just sharing the Times article without corroboration or evidence. It got me thinking, and as I am sure I have told you before, my wife says that is never a good thing.
Basically, I wanted to have a deeper look at the critical thinking of people within the hearing healthcare profession. We are supposed to be intelligent professionals right? So sorry and thank you for your involvement in this experiment. Please feel free to tell me what a nasty person I am in the comments.
Critical Thinking
I recently saw a respected hearing professional make a statement about a hearing aid site that I have great respect for. A statement without evidence, it irked me, it irked me more that people were sharing it without thought. We are supposed to be professionals, we are allegedly intelligent, maybe we should start with some critical thinking instead of cognitive bias.