Just Audiology Stuff

Top 3 Things Students want to Learn from Hearing Aid Sales Reps

Top 3 Things Students want to Learn from Hearing Aid Sales Reps

By Lana Joseph of the Audiologist to be blog

For hearing aid sales representatives, the main objective of marketing is SALES. Sales representatives aim to effectively market their products to audiences whether through an elaborate presentation, good customer service or interactive workshop, and ultimately get customers to invest in the products they offer. Generally, this audience consists of hearing professionals who have the resources to invest in these products. But, what happens when the audience consists of future hearing professionals who do not have the resources to invest – also known as STUDENTS? Does the marketing strategy change? It should.

Because students typically do not possess the same level of knowledge, experience, or resources as actual hearing professionals, a unique marketing approach is necessary to target student populations. This marketing approach should not require a large amount of prior knowledge and experience, and should not include a sales pitch. So how exactly should sales reps reach students? The key is in teaching a lesson. Hence, there are 3 main things that students want to learn from hearing aid sales reps. These are about the industry, hearing aids, and the actual sales rep career.

Teach students about the industry. For students, meeting with sales reps means more than listening to a 30 minute marketing spiel on hearing devices. It presents an opportunity to learn about hearing aids and manufacturers prior to beginning a career in audiology.  Sales reps can share practical information about the industry, opportunities outside of the educational setting, and additional ways to network within the field.

Furthermore, teach students about hearing aids through exposure. Don’t just talk to students about hearing aids, allow students to get a look and feel. Incorporate opportunities for hands on experience during presentations. This not only exposes students to actual products, but also your brand.

Finally, teach students about your career as a hearing aid sales representative. Many students who are interested in working for hearing aid companies do not know how to get into the field. Additionally, students are unaware of the duties and responsibilities of a sales rep beyond SALES, or the compensation and benefits. It would be quite valuable for students to learn about the actual career.

The “Teach a Lesson” strategy has already been adopted by several hearing aid companies who have created student-focused workshops and seminars to teach students about the industry. However, more are necessary to reach various student populations. By effectively marketing to students, hearing aid companies are producing customers of the future.



I like Lana’s slant on stuff and that is why I have asked her to contribute to the blog as much as she can. It is often refreshing to look at topics through fresh eyes, I feel that this is what Lana, A.U., Dusty Richards, Caleb McNiece, Dan Scwhartz and people like Glenn Street bring to the table. If you haven’t heard of those names, look them up now, because in the future you can say, “hey I knew those guys before they were famous”  🙂

So, all you hearing aid sales reps out there, listen up and pass the ideas back.

For everyone else you can and should catch Lana’s regular blog at the Audiologist to be



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