Category: Thoughts
What Will Omnichannel Mean For Hearing Aid Providers
Omnichannel is the new buzzword across the hearing aid industry and profession, but what does it actually mean? The Wikipedia definition is “Omnichannel is a cross-channel content strategy that organizations use to improve their user experience. Rather than working in parallel, communication channels and their supporting resources are designed and…
What changes will remote care bring?
Framing The Future
The Future Client, The Future Profession
I gave a talk in Birmingham recently for the inaugural BIHIMA Conference on the future Audiology Client. The conference was excellent and I was glad I was asked to speak. The talk appeared to go down well on the day although in my usual style I may have been a…
Failing Your Patients, Failing Your Duty Of Care
Are You Failing The Hearing Impaired? Steve Eagon guest posted the last article, I would like to thank him for his excellent article and for reminding me of something important. I had forgotten to some extent the debate that exists in the Audiology world in the US in relation to…
Why Your Agility Matters
You Son of Un-Married Parents You! Sometimes I must seem like the voice of doom, I know when I talk about disruption it can make people uncomfortable. Although some wouldn’t be as uncomfortable if they read the full article before firing off an email to me telling me I am…
The King is Dead, Long Live The King
Brian, Why Have You Forsaken Us? I was really sorry to see my friend Brian Taylor move on from Unitron. I have followed Brian for ten years and have always been impressed with his thought leadership. His outstanding stewardship of the Patient journey during his Amplifon days was what first…
The views of a consumer, Stein Thomassen
This is the first of the users that I have asked to share their experiences and their ideas or aspirations for the future provision of hearing instruments. It is interesting that Stein would like the ability to tweak and fine tune his aids, but also wants a hearing care professional…
Commoditisation, Services and a question
What do you want to be? By Geoffrey Cooling Recently It has become clear that many within our profession are worried about commoditisation of our profession. In essence it is not the skills of our profession which is commoditised but the products we are inextricably linked with. I would agree…
What Will Omnichannel Mean For Hearing Aid Providers

Omnichannel is the new buzzword across the hearing aid industry and profession, but what does it actually mean? The Wikipedia definition is “Omnichannel is a cross-channel content strategy that organizations use to improve their user experience. Rather than working in parallel, communication channels and their supporting resources are designed and…
What changes will remote care bring?
Framing The Future
The Future Client, The Future Profession
I gave a talk in Birmingham recently for the inaugural BIHIMA Conference on the future Audiology Client. The conference was excellent and I was glad I was asked to speak. The talk appeared to go down well on the day although in my usual style I may have been a…
Failing Your Patients, Failing Your Duty Of Care
Are You Failing The Hearing Impaired? Steve Eagon guest posted the last article, I would like to thank him for his excellent article and for reminding me of something important. I had forgotten to some extent the debate that exists in the Audiology world in the US in relation to…
Why Your Agility Matters
You Son of Un-Married Parents You! Sometimes I must seem like the voice of doom, I know when I talk about disruption it can make people uncomfortable. Although some wouldn’t be as uncomfortable if they read the full article before firing off an email to me telling me I am…
The King is Dead, Long Live The King
Brian, Why Have You Forsaken Us? I was really sorry to see my friend Brian Taylor move on from Unitron. I have followed Brian for ten years and have always been impressed with his thought leadership. His outstanding stewardship of the Patient journey during his Amplifon days was what first…
The views of a consumer, Stein Thomassen
This is the first of the users that I have asked to share their experiences and their ideas or aspirations for the future provision of hearing instruments. It is interesting that Stein would like the ability to tweak and fine tune his aids, but also wants a hearing care professional…
Commoditisation, Services and a question
What do you want to be? By Geoffrey Cooling Recently It has become clear that many within our profession are worried about commoditisation of our profession. In essence it is not the skills of our profession which is commoditised but the products we are inextricably linked with. I would agree…