Just Audiology Stuff

Manage Your Practice, The RATER Model of Assesment

My attention was brought to a recent article by a colleague, the article laid out an excellent explanation of the RATER Model. Another tool that can be applied to many sectors, but is quite satisfactory for use in Health Practice Management to assess exactly where your Practice is. The RATER Model was created by professors Valarie Zeithaml, A. Parasuraman, and Leonard Berry, and published in their 1990 book, “Delivering Quality Service.” The book itself is an excellent read for any Practice owner who really wants assistance in positioning their Practice for Patient Retention.

The model highlights five areas that customers/Patients generally consider to be important when they use a service. These are:

By focusing on these five areas, you can analyze and improve your service levels across your Practice.

So, how will you apply the RATER Model in your Practice? The best way to apply the Model is by carrying out a Gap Analysis using each of the five dimensions in your Practice. Again, honest analysis is imperative, you can then come up with a plan for improving the way that you serve your customers.

To do a Gap Analysis, you identify the following in each of the five areas:

You can use the following questions as a starting point for thinking about each area:


When you identify your future state and your current situation, lay out a clear strategy to get from your current situation to your proposed future state. Involve your Staff in the strategy planning and consistently talk to your Patients to assess the changes and feedback on any perception of improved services. You can also Benchmarking to compare your performance with similar organizations or services. The RATER Model, once applied honestly to a Practice, is an excellent tool to asses where you are versus where you want to be. It allows you the data that you need to make clear strategic decisions.





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