Just Audiology Stuff

Starkey Hearing Responds To The Recent ASHA, ADA, AAA Joint Statement

Commoditization of hearing aids not in the interests of the Patient

Tim Trine of Starkey Hearing posted an article to the Starkey blog a few days ago in answer to the joint announcement made by the ADA, ASHA and AAA. Oh and the Judeans’ People’s Front, or was that the People’s Front of Judea? Sorry Irish humour again.

In the article he commented

Although I agree with the essence of the message (a recommendation that Audiologists take a critical look at their individual practice models), some of the motivations that preceded the recommendations have the potential to reinforce a perception that hearing device manufacturers are a threat rather than a partner.

Fear can be a powerful motivator, but I think reinforcing the fear that major hearing aid manufacturers are motivated to bypass the current hearing healthcare delivery model in the United States is incorrect. Doing so would lead to the commoditization of hearing aids, which is not in the best interest of the patient. For Starkey Hearing Technologies, this is absolutely inconsistent with our strategy and investment

He went on to say that Starkey’s main goal was to improve the Patient’s journey and that journey was best served through the involvement of hearing healthcare professionals. The article in it’s entirety can be read by clicking the link below.

Commoditization of Hearing Aids



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