I wrote a couple of days ago about the new online initiative in Australia involving Blamey Saunders and Sonova. One of the things I promised to do was to review that website because I found it rather fascinating. To be honest, I think that we all may benefit from an understanding of the language used on the website and what it says about modern consumers.

While I pick through it, we also need to be aware that there may be some cultural targeting involved. By that I mean the site is obviously designed to target an Australian audience. However, I feel that while there is differences, modern Australian consumers probably have similar wants, expectations and needs to similar consumer cohorts globally.
So let’s dive in.
The Design
The design is simple, clear and easy on the eye. Whether on desktop or on mobile you understand immediately what the website is about and what it offers.
The banner images on the home page deliver two strong messages designed to appeal to the target market. The first which you can see above is “Healthy Hearing Without The Hassle”.
The second which you can see below is own Shift in 5 interest-free easy payments

Each element as you go down the home page delivers different value statements which deliver the information needed to make a decision. The elements follow a natural progression which enforces the buying decision.
Think about it, the first element is this what we do, the second element is this is why you should consider it. The third element is about the benefit for the buyer. The fourth element is about how it works and the next element is about making sure it is right for you. The final element is all about taking control.
That is an intelligent page journey, the elements are simple, but each one delivers the information needed. More than that, each element packs in value statements, statements that the target market will understand and appreciate.

The Language
The language Used is fascinating and it tells us a lot about the target group. It’s about easy, it’s about taking charge, it’s about taking control. Both I and Steve Claridge have spoken for a very long time about the changing consumer we interact with. The key takeaways from those conversations have always been easy and taking control.
Information Needs
The website has been designed with an exhaustive list of information needs in mind. While each page delivers crucial information in headline format, the viewer can find deeper information simply and easily.
The site is also big on reassurance. It clearly states the 30-day risk-free return period on any page where someone may be making a purchase decision. This is a key element in any design where there is transactional content.
The site also offers complete simplicity of purchase, you simply buy online and have it delivered. Again, this speaks to easy, it also speaks to control. Buy it your way, take control of your hearing.
What Can We Learn?
I think there is much for us to learn and consider from this site. The website follows a typical e-commerce strategy that drives a product. The language used is designed to touch and reassure the modern consumer. It’s about convenience, affordability and little risk.
More than that though, it is about collaboration and control. The user has the control while they are able to collaborate with professionals. It is this approach that they are betting on to reach these consumers.
What You Need to Consider
You already offer a similar concept, okay, you don’t sell hearing aids online in this manner. However, you will offer a money-back guarantee. You can give the consumer control with many of the modern hearing aid apps available to you.
You deliver on the spot face to face support, but the technology is available for you to deliver remote support if the user wants it. In essence, you can offer everything that Shift Hearing does except self fitted hearing aids.
Driving Your Offering
You need to be clear about the offer you are driving though, is it a product like Shift, or is it expert service and care? It should be expert service and care. You can pitch it in the same manner, in a way that appeals to the modern consumer
For instance, true convenience with care and support on your terms, we offer face to face support and remote support services, but it’s not either-or, you choose what suits you.
Take full control of your hearing experience with an easy to use app that allows you to fine-tune your sound on the go.
Whether you like Shift or not, there is a lot to learn from it.
You are probably right. It’s looks well-done to me also.
But, strive as they might, Sonova had no crystal ball to work with.
In light of recent political activity in U.S, “Shift” may not be such a good choice as a name.
It does seem an unfortunate naming choice really. Anyone for shit hearing?!?!