Things You Need To Do To Ensure Your Health Practice Thrives In The New Year
Here we are, the end of another year again, for me it is a time to thank my favorite deity that I have managed to get a year older. There was a time when that in itself was a big achievement, although now the most dangerous thing I have to deal with is an un-happy customer. This can be daunting in and of itself, but usually they are not actively trying to kill you! Well ….. mostly

This started at ten things but then just kept growing, some of these tips may not apply to everybody. In fact you may already have instituted most of the things, but I hope that everybody will at least find one tip that is helpful to them. So what twenty things do you need to do in order that your Practice sees growth next year?
Look at your KPIs from this year and decide what areas you need to focus on for next year.
If you do not have a Practice Management software system, not talking Noah here, get one.
Ensure all your Patient data is entered into your Practice Management software.
Put in place a clear and in-depth Patient Retention & Referral Strategy.
Put in place a clear Patient Journey.
Put in place a corresponding clear and rigid Patient Communication Strategy.
Ensure the buy in of all your stakeholders, Staff primarily and Patients also.
In your new, or old Practice Management software, automate service callbacks as per your Patient Journey.
Write some clear, medico legal grade, precise and human letters to be used in your new automatic mail-merges for Call Back letters, Hearing Test Reports, Test No Sales one month contact letter, Test No Sales Annual Test Call Back Letter etc.. etc..
Re-paint your Practice, unless you have done it in the last ten months.
Replace your waiting room chairs unless you have done within the last four years.
Make a New Years Resolution that between every appointment you will take five minutes to clean your consultation room, tidying away cables, tubing boxes, cleaning equipment etc. from view.
Replace your Posters and point of sales displays if they are any more than three months old.
Actually leverage your shop window if you have one, with well thought out and deployed POS.
Review your practice environs critically with the concept of brand presentation in mind, be honest and ruthless.
Ensure your web presence does not let you down.
Leverage your website for campaign offers, educational uses and introduce a regularly updated news section.
Remember your web presence is not static, it needs to be dynamic.
Think clearly and carefully about a social media presence and how it can affect you web presence.
This list is not exhaustive, think up ten more things you need to do!
That should at least be a start for your New Year planning, best wishes for success in the New Year.
Great ideas1 We need to keep in mind to never be satisfied with what worked last year and keep what works, tweak it to do better and keep thinking out side of the box! Happy New Year!
Markus Hilbert, Au.D.
Doctor of Audiology