Welcome To the Blog

Welcome to the site, my name is Geoffrey Cooling and I am the author here at Just Audiology Stuff. I have been involved in the Hearing Healthcare Profession for several years now. I initially worked as a Hearing Healthcare Professional for a large national retailer in Ireland. After several years in Practice I was approached to work for a manufacturer, where I was employed for four and a half years.
I recently Co-Founded Audiology Engine with Steve Claridge and we are now offering web-design, audiology SEO and content marketing services to the Audiology Profession internationally. We have had a pretty good response from the profession in the US and the UK so far.
This however is my personal blog, a blog that I have been writing for nearly five years. I haven't been nearly as prolific on here as I once was, but I still post from time to time. You can also catch some more web and marketing specific posts on Audiology Engine. Enjoy and please do comment
Audiology Engine
Audiology Engine was the shared brain child of myself and Steve Claridge. We combine our knowledge and skills to offer web development, audiology SEO and business development functions to the hearing healthcare market. We hope to offer products and services that will establish our Customer's on-line presence and drive their on-line audiology marketing success using
- Intimate Hearing Healthcare Industry Knowledge
- Intimate Understanding Of Patient Searches & Keywords
- Large Web Design & Development Experience
- Long Term SEO & Blogging Experience
- Humour, Hard Work & Pizazz
We offer best practice audiology SEO, web design, on-line hearing aid marketing and content marketing services to Independent hearing healthcare Practices worldwide. We have a proven track record of helping our customers excelling in the search engine rankings.
HearBuy Conference 2013
Very honoured to be asked to participate as a presenter during the HearBuy conference at the Belfry next week. I shall be undertaking a presentation and workshop on Branding within hearing healthcare. Anybody attending the workshop will have to actually do a bit of work! Sorry about that. Hope to…
Online Audiology Marketing, Get With The Programme
Online marketing will drive more qualified enquiries and sales if done correctly By Geoffrey Cooling I have been undertaking a small study with one of my customers lately in relation to lead sources. Where they come from, what type of enquiry they are and what happens with them.…
Independent Hearing Healthcare, Differentiate Yourself Through Brand
Branding, where do you need to think about it as an Independent hearing healthcare Professional? By Geoffrey Cooling I think that the role of the hearing healthcare provider has become inextricably tied to the instruments they provide. I think that as we move forward this is a problematic situation…
Your Consultation, Have You Thought About It Lately?
What exactly are you doing in your consultation? By Geoffrey Cooling I have been quiet of late, although August is a traditionally quiet month, it has been very busy for me. Business travelling, training and a week off ensured that my attention has been elsewhere. One of my trips involved…
Driving up footfall in hearing consulting room using online hearing checks
The following is a guest post from Ray Weinstein of Audiology-Online Ltd. They are supplying an online audiometry test and lead generation service. Enjoy Regards Geoff By Ray Weinstein Dispensing private hearing aids is an increasingly competitive business and finding ways to encourage new customers to choose you for a…
4 Effective Healthcare Marketing Campaigns and Why They Worked
Four Effective Healthcare Marketing Campaigns That Worked By Sara Collins The article today is a guest post from Sara Collins a writer and contributor to Nerd Wallet. Please enjoy. Regards Geoff Healthcare providers are tasked with creating marketing campaigns that reach a wide range of people. Whether they’re specifically…
Branding In Audiology Practice
Branding in hearing healthcare, what it means and how can it be used By Geoffrey Cooling I was again recently honoured to write an article for Audio Infos, the article appears in the August issue and it explores how branding can affect your success or otherwise. The article can be…
Unbundling, What If The Decision Is Taken Away From You?
What if a new disruptive player introduced unbundling as a business model? By Geoffrey Cooling I had a very interesting conversation with an Optician recently. His wife, a qualified Optician is entering her second year in the Audiology F.D.S.C. He is now considering adding the service to his…
Unbundling, What Do You Need To Consider?
What is imperative for a successful unbundling strategy? By Geoffrey Cooling Unbundling has been a hot topic on the agenda for a while, should we, could we, will we? It is a question that may well be taken out of our collective hands. New entrants into the market may…
Hearing Healthcare Business Development Strategy
You want to develop your business, what do you need to consider? By Geoffrey Cooling Business development, another hot topic in our profession. The application of best practice to our business, be that clinical or commercial best practice. I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to shape and…