An Interview With The Lead Of The My.Widex.Com team

The MY.WIDEX.COM concept discussed A new offering from Widex has me particularly excited, disclaimer here, just in case you don’t know I work for Widex. However, don’t let that fact put you off, the MY.WIDEX.COM concept could have amazing and far reaching effects on our industry. I believe that as…

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Direct Mailing As Part Of Your Healthcare Marketing

Using direct mailing as part of your healthcare marketing strategy in hearing healthcare By Geoffrey Cooling    Direct mailing can be an integral and effective part of your healthcare marketing strategy, if done correctly. It can be disastrous for your Practice and your brand if done incorrectly. But what is…

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Open Days As Part Of Your Healthcare Marketing

Running an Open Day as part of your healthcare marketing strategy   By Geoffrey Cooling     Open house or open day events are a traditional and long used healthcare marketing strategy in the hearing healthcare profession. Lately there has been much discussion in relation to the efficacy and return…

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