In-depth Analytics Like Never Before
I have been asked a few questions based on my last article. So I thought rather than answer questions individually, I would just write an article. Seems the easiest way. So, here it is, why do I think Audidata systems offer so much and what analytics was I talking about.
As we face to the future of OTC and threats from every angle, we really need to understand what actually affects conversion. This system offers the information we need.
Best Practices and Conversion Rate
Within most of the practice management systems available there are the standard KPI reports, but none of them really offer an understanding of what best practice processes do to the bottom line. Pre-fit cancellation, post fit cancellation, average sale price etc, Strato from Auditdata offer these as well. Whoopie do I hear you say from here. But Strato, when combined with Primus, offer so much more.
However, that is not to detract from Strato, the system in isolation is probably one of the best I have ever used as a frontline clinician. It is intuitive, easy to use and it offers seamless integration with Noah. I really do mean seamless. Noah data appears quite visibly in Strato and Noah applications are opened within Strato seamlessly without fuss.

In fact, all of the information you need about the Patient is on the Client screen which you open either via a search or through the appointment in the schedule. Everything is to hand without having to search for it or delve through multiple screens. That means that Strato is easy to use for frontline staff.
There is a lot to be said for that, as a frontline clinician I have actually used many systems, and none of them offered seamless integration with Noah. Simply clicking on any Noah function and having the Noah module involved open, is pretty cool.
Deeper Integrated Analytics
The key though with Auditdata systems is the deeper integrated analytics that is offered when Strato is integrated with their Primus system. As I said in the last article, this is really where the magic happens. It allows the user to delve into a whole new dataset and analyse how testing processes and procedures have an effect on conversion rate, pre-fit cancellation and post-fit cancellation. Let me explain.
Best Practices and Conversion
The new data set allows a complete understanding of what testing processes have been undertaken and for how long. For instance, you can find out if Quick-SIN was undertaken during the testing process and how long the test took. While Quick-SIN has become accepted best practice for good reason. Do we really understand what effect it has on conversion if any?
Tests and Conversion
With the combined system we can track not only if it has a direct effect on conversion, we can track if a shorter Quick-SIN test provides a different effect than a longer one. I mean time is money, so if a five-minute Quick-SIN provides the same benefit to conversion as a more in-depth speech in noise test and more or less the same clinical benefit, well then that information is vital.
Verification and Post-fit Cancellation
What about verification or validation procedures? Again, the data is to hand, you can see clearly what effect REMs or visible speech mapping has on your post-fit cancellation rate. Again, you can even see if a limited time-constrained process differs in its effect than a longer more leisurely process.
Priceless Information
This type of information is priceless, it allows us to implicitly understand what effect testing and validation processes have on the bottom line. It allows us to plan out our testing processes with a clear eye on clinical benefit and commercial success.
As we face to the future of OTC and seeming threats from every angle, we really need to understand what actually affects conversion. I think that this system offers the information we need to continue to thrive.