Welcome To the Blog

Welcome to the site, my name is Geoffrey Cooling and I am the author here at Just Audiology Stuff. I have been involved in the Hearing Healthcare Profession for several years now. I initially worked as a Hearing Healthcare Professional for a large national retailer in Ireland. After several years in Practice I was approached to work for a manufacturer, where I was employed for four and a half years.
I recently Co-Founded Audiology Engine with Steve Claridge and we are now offering web-design, audiology SEO and content marketing services to the Audiology Profession internationally. We have had a pretty good response from the profession in the US and the UK so far.
This however is my personal blog, a blog that I have been writing for nearly five years. I haven't been nearly as prolific on here as I once was, but I still post from time to time. You can also catch some more web and marketing specific posts on Audiology Engine. Enjoy and please do comment
Audiology Engine
Audiology Engine was the shared brain child of myself and Steve Claridge. We combine our knowledge and skills to offer web development, audiology SEO and business development functions to the hearing healthcare market. We hope to offer products and services that will establish our Customer's on-line presence and drive their on-line audiology marketing success using
- Intimate Hearing Healthcare Industry Knowledge
- Intimate Understanding Of Patient Searches & Keywords
- Large Web Design & Development Experience
- Long Term SEO & Blogging Experience
- Humour, Hard Work & Pizazz
We offer best practice audiology SEO, web design, on-line hearing aid marketing and content marketing services to Independent hearing healthcare Practices worldwide. We have a proven track record of helping our customers excelling in the search engine rankings.
PCAST, New Challenges, An Exciting Time To Be
Exciting Times To Be Alive I was talking to my wife the other day about college kids, I said that this was such an exciting time. New communication platforms, revolutionary technological change, breakneck pace of innovation. Radical changes in norms, the breakdown of barriers to knowledge, it is an amazing…
The barriers to hearing aid adoption
Overcoming the barriers to hearing aid adoption I read a great paper recently by Steve Eagon and Jason Mayer of Unitron US titled “Overcoming barriers to hearing aid adoption & in-clinic success Business as usual vs. new approaches for the hearing healthcare practice”. It details the low penetration rate in our market and talks about…
Audiology Marketing Workshops UK
Master Class in Digital Marketing Hi all, we have partnered with Unite University to create the Digital Marketing Master Class For Audiology 2015. This is a highly practical 1 day course designed to ensure participants have a confident understanding of the digital marketing landscape and the opportunities it provides. We…
Failing Your Patients, Failing Your Duty Of Care
Are You Failing The Hearing Impaired? Steve Eagon guest posted the last article, I would like to thank him for his excellent article and for reminding me of something important. I had forgotten to some extent the debate that exists in the Audiology world in the US in relation to…
Consultative Sales Training & Why Our Industry Needs It
Why Your Agility Matters
You Son of Un-Married Parents You! Sometimes I must seem like the voice of doom, I know when I talk about disruption it can make people uncomfortable. Although some wouldn’t be as uncomfortable if they read the full article before firing off an email to me telling me I am…
The King is Dead, Long Live The King
Brian, Why Have You Forsaken Us? I was really sorry to see my friend Brian Taylor move on from Unitron. I have followed Brian for ten years and have always been impressed with his thought leadership. His outstanding stewardship of the Patient journey during his Amplifon days was what first…
Innovation Eradicating Mediocre
Trust, Buyer’s Remorse & Understanding it Better
Buyer’s Remorse, How Can Trust Affect It? I had a really interesting conversation recently with a chap who is involved with a hearing loss advocacy organisation. We were talking about people with hearing loss, their wants and needs and general experiences. He said something to me about trust and buyer’s…