Welcome To the Blog

Welcome to the site, my name is Geoffrey Cooling and I am the author here at Just Audiology Stuff. I have been involved in the Hearing Healthcare Profession for several years now. I initially worked as a Hearing Healthcare Professional for a large national retailer in Ireland. After several years in Practice I was approached to work for a manufacturer, where I was employed for four and a half years.
I recently Co-Founded Audiology Engine with Steve Claridge and we are now offering web-design, audiology SEO and content marketing services to the Audiology Profession internationally. We have had a pretty good response from the profession in the US and the UK so far.
This however is my personal blog, a blog that I have been writing for nearly five years. I haven't been nearly as prolific on here as I once was, but I still post from time to time. You can also catch some more web and marketing specific posts on Audiology Engine. Enjoy and please do comment
Audiology Engine
Audiology Engine was the shared brain child of myself and Steve Claridge. We combine our knowledge and skills to offer web development, audiology SEO and business development functions to the hearing healthcare market. We hope to offer products and services that will establish our Customer's on-line presence and drive their on-line audiology marketing success using
- Intimate Hearing Healthcare Industry Knowledge
- Intimate Understanding Of Patient Searches & Keywords
- Large Web Design & Development Experience
- Long Term SEO & Blogging Experience
- Humour, Hard Work & Pizazz
We offer best practice audiology SEO, web design, on-line hearing aid marketing and content marketing services to Independent hearing healthcare Practices worldwide. We have a proven track record of helping our customers excelling in the search engine rankings.
Wireless Hearing Instruments, Time For A New Commercial Strategy?
Wireless and made for iPhone, time to consider your strategy? By Geoffrey Cooling With the advent of wireless technology in hearing instruments in recent times a new line of ancillary products have opened up. There are now several connective assistive devices available from each manufacturer. As we all know we…
Healthcare Marketing, Pew Research Highlights The Importance Of Content
Healthcare marketing and the internet, what the latest stats mean for your healthcare marketing strategy By Geoffrey Cooling Our friends at Pew Research Center have been busy again, their recent study relates health care and the web. According to the study, of the 81% of U.S. adults who use the…
Made For iPhone Hearing Aids And their Impact On Hearing Healthcare
What effect will Made For iPhone hearing aids have on our profession? By Geoffrey Cooling As we all by now know, made for iPhone hearing aids are on their way. Recently GN ReSound released its first made for iPhone accessory and app. The release of actual made for iPhone hearing…
Deploying Social Proof on Your Healthcare Marketing Channels
Leverage testimonials in your healthcare marketing By Geoffrey Cooling In a recent article I spoke about social proof or testimonials in healthcare marketing strategy. I think we can agree that they have great power to sway people during the purchase decision. With that clearly in mind perhaps you should consider…
Social proof in healthcare marketing
Can testimonials be effective in your healthcare marketing? By Geoffrey Cooling I have spoken previously about social proof and in particular the use of testimonials. More and more research undertaken points to the impact of social proof on buying patterns. Particularly in the purchase of big ticket items. In fact…
GN ReSound Introduces First Made for iPhone Accessory & Accompanying App
“GN ReSound Leads the Hearing Aid Industry’s Wireless Revolution with the First Made for iPhone Accessory & Accompanying App” By Geoffrey Cooling Fresh off the presses folks, Resound has disseminated a press release pertaining to the venture into made for iPhone aids. A new Phone Clip and accompanying app are…
Use Prospective Patients Questions for Your Healthcare Marketing
Super charge your healthcare marketing strategy by answering your prospective Patients questions By Geoffrey Cooling Content marketing should be an integral part of your online healthcare marketing strategy. Even if that content is just part of your website and not part of a regularly updated blog. A blog should be…
Your Strategy for Success – guest post on A.U. Bankaitis’s Blog
Your Strategy for Success in 2013 – guest post by Geoffrey Cooling | A.U. Bankaitis’s Blog. I was honoured to guest post on A.U. Bankaitis’s Blog recently. You can view the post at the above link, while you are there take time to look around. There are some pretty good…
Pricing On Your Healthcare Marketing Channels
How Should You Put Pricing on Your Healthcare Marketing Channels? By Geoffrey Cooling Often in our profession, Practice owners choose not to include pricing on their online healthcare marketing channels. Requiring any potential Patient to instead call or visit the Practice for a quote. The reasoning behind this is understandable,…