Practice Branding, Part Of Your Audiology Marketing Strategy

How The Deployment Of A Practice Affects Your Audiology Marketing Strategy The deployment of your Practice is vitally important to how your Patients and prospective Patients feel about you as a professional and your Practice. In essence, your audiology marketing strategy is intrinsically about shaping perceptions of your prospective Patients. …

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Its All About The Data

Commercial Management Of Patients In a Modern Hearing Healthcare Practice The future profitability and growth of your hearing healthcare practice is already in your hands. On-going success in your business is all about the information that you actually hold. Your business can  thrive from the careful tending of your existing…

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Unbundling Hearing Aid Fees, Re-claim Your Worth,

Unbundling Hearing Aid Fees. Meeting Consumer Demands Or Re-claiming Your Worth? In my last post I raised the question “Do we actually know what the Consumer thinks?” One thing is certain, if you undertake research into what hearing instrument users are saying among themselves, things become clear. They don’t understand…

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Ancillary Services, You May Think I’m Nuts, But!

Introducing Ancillary Services To Your Practice In the article “Business Strategies In Hearing Healthcare, Synergistic Relationships” I talked about building relationships with associated service providers. In “Commercial Strategy In Healthcare, Ancillary Revenue Drivers” I talked about introducing ancillary services or product lines to your business. I structured those articles and…

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Business Strategies In Hearing Healthcare, Synergistic Relationships

Deploying A Hearing Aid & Optical Campaign We should take every opportunity to apply sound business strategies in our hearing healthcare Practices. Particularly as we face even more competitive times. With this in mind we need to consider how synergistic business relationships may be of real benefit to us. I…

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Patient Retention and Referral, Commercial Strategy,

Patient Retention In A Modern Hearing Healthcare Practice Patient Retention E-Book I wrote this e-book quite a while ago, many of you may have already read it. I decided to post the link here for those who may not have. The book covers applying commercial strategy to a hearing healthcare…

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